Insurance Coverage For Our Family

Insurance Coverage for Our Family

  • A Closer Look At 3 Types Of Add-On Car Insurance You Should Consider

    When purchasing car insurance, you will have two basic types of coverage. There is the coverage that you are mandated by law to carry and then there is add-on or optional coverage which you are free to accept or decline. Many people choose to purchase policies that only offer the legally mandated coverage. This often leads to people discovering they do not have enough coverage when the time comes for them to actually file a claim against their policy.

  • Insuring Your Commercial Truck

    Insuring a commercial truck can be an important step for anyone that works as an owner-operator or that is responsible for managing a company's fleet. Being informed about the types of coverage that can benefit commercial vehicles can help these individuals to better protect themselves against the liabilities that come with operating large commercial trucks. Assess The Value Of The Cargo You Will Be Hauling There can be a risk for the items that are being transported by the driver to be damaged or even destroyed during the course of being shipped.

  • 4 Primary Benefits Of Carrying Homeowners Insurance

    When you own a home, you want to protect it. It is, after all, the place where you rest your head each night. One of the best ways to protect your home is with a homeowner's insurance policy. There are many benefits of having a homeowner's insurance policy. Here are a few of the benefits you will enjoy when you have a homeowner's insurance policy.   Benefit #1: Protect Your Dwelling 

  • What Extra Auto Insurance Coverage Should You Add?

    Did you know that you can pick and choose the types of coverage you get with an auto insurance plan? Many people purchase the basic types, such as liability and collision coverage, but some add extra types to their plans. Are you curious about the options you can choose from for your insurance policy? Here are several extras that some people like adding to their policies to have coverage for other types of risks that might not be covered under a basic plan.

  • 3 Amazing Benefits Of Hiring A Car Insurance Agent

    In this digital age, you may wonder why you need to hire a car insurance agent when you can request a "quote" online from the comfort of your couch. But the truth is, buying car insurance can be confusing. Remember, you're not buying a grocery item but an insurance policy that covers you in the event of an accident.  To properly understand the options available to you, you may need to ask questions and talk to a real person instead of filing forms online or replying to chatbots.

  • 2024© Insurance Coverage For Our Family
    About Me
    Insurance Coverage For Our Family

    After we had kids, we realized that we needed to up the ante on our insurance coverage. While we had a policy in place, I knew that we had to do something to make sure that we were protected in any instance, which wasn't the case at the time. I began talking with different brokers about what we could do to improve our coverage, and they had some really great suggestions that seemed to help. This website is here to help other people to know how to purchase insurance, and what kinds of policies would work best for your special family.
