When it comes to buying a car, there is more involved with the process than actually selecting the car. You also have to think about insurance. While your driving habits and your credit score can impact how much you pay for insurance, the type of car you select is also a consideration. If you have plans to purchase a new vehicle, learn how the car you purchase can affect your insurance.
Driving a semi truck presents substantial and unique risk exposure, and owner-operators in this space need to protect themselves from many of the risks they face. If you're an owner-operator of a semi truck, here are some specialized truck insurance protections that you should probably have. Freight Coverage for Cargo in Transit The trailers that semi trucks haul hold a lot of cargo, and that cargo's often quite valuable. Even a load of only moderately valuable items becomes worth quite a lot when you consider how many units there are in a full load.
If you receive a letter in the mail from the DMV that tells you that you need SR-22, you might have no clue what this is or why you need it, and the most important thing to know is that you must get it if you want to keep driving. SR-22 is not an optional choice you have if the DMV sends you this letter. It's a requirement, and here are three questions you might have about it if you need it.
After we had kids, we realized that we needed to up the ante on our insurance coverage. While we had a policy in place, I knew that we had to do something to make sure that we were protected in any instance, which wasn't the case at the time. I began talking with different brokers about what we could do to improve our coverage, and they had some really great suggestions that seemed to help. This website is here to help other people to know how to purchase insurance, and what kinds of policies would work best for your special family.